Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So... Im a blogger now? Hmmm

Ok, so this is new, I have a few friends that "blog" and have always wondered what it entailed...  I have read many, and follow a few, so I thought it was about time to let the world read my opinions and thoughts :)

In brief:

Born in the US, Moved to New Zealand via England when I was 6.
Many trips back to the US as I grew up, and ended up going to college here in the US for 4 years before returning to New Zealand ( NZ from here on out) and joining the Royal New Zealand Police.

Married the girl that I "fell in love with at first sight" and left the Police so I would remain married for EVER!

We as a couple have had a few "life trials" that have really pulled us together.

It was a few of these life trials that made us decide to "get out and see the world" so we find ourselves in Boston, MA.  We spent a year and a half in Queens, NY before seeing the light and getting the hell out!

We have the greatest job, and work together :)  (follow this blog and it will become clear what we do)

We love Boston, but are torn three ways between Wellington, NZ, Lynden, MA, and Boston, MA...  such a tough choice right.  We spend a decent amount of time in each place to cope though.

So yeh, enjoy following this.  I will endevor to make you think, so feel free to add you 2 cents :)


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