Sunday, September 6, 2009

Holiday is over :(

So yeh...  Last few days of my vacation before I have to go back to work... if you can call what i do work ;)  its a truly great job, and I love it!   As I get ready to head back to work with murmurs of Unions and so on, it looks like it could be an eventful few months leading up to Christmas.

I came back from the lake with a nice tan, a broken little toe, sore back, and a meniscus in my right knee in even worse shape than it was 10 days ago. ha ha  No pain no gain huh.

I just missed my brother who was over for a week of work for Spirit Airlines.  He was in Detroit and it doesnt sound like its was a particularly nice place to be... maybe the hotel at the end of the runway didnt help?

I have missed a few days of my blog, but decided rather than write "fillers" without much good stuff I would save you the time.  I still dont really have much to write today other than I have had some photos printed with my best friend in the hope we can start a small photography business.,   We would love nothing else to have at least some moneys come in from this.  I guess time will tell.

Golf in the morning, which has become my release these days...  It was one of my favorite things to do with my Dad, and with New Zealand having Fathers day yesterday it has had me thinking a lot about him over the last few days. :(  fathers day has very little meaning to me anymore...  I am a Dad that no longer has a son, and I am a son that no longer has a Dad.  Strange emotions.

Anyways, as I have been away from work for so many days I am out of the gossip loop so I have no idea how Brittney is doing after my prediction late last week. ha ha 

Till tomorrow


Monday, August 31, 2009

Fires fires everywhere...

So yeh,  WOW, these forest fires are crazy!  Not just the ones in LA, but as you have read I am up in NE Washington, and there is a large fire near lake Okonagen, Kelowna. (2900 acres).  I am on Lake Osoyas on the WA side, and all day yesterday the smoke has filled the valley.  As the wind (more a breeze) died down late evening yesterday the smokey haze made it difficult to see the other side of the lake.  Its pretty bad again today.

It really makes you realize how bad these fires must be, we are about 70-100 miles away, but the smoke has filled our valley.  nuts.

we have two more days of our vacation left, and after an afternoon of wakeboarding, my body is reminding me it isnt 20 anymore :(  rather achy today. ha ha.  Sore sore sore.

It wont stop me from getting out again today though.  No pain no gain, right :)


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sun, Beer, Wakeboarding, Jetskiig... Summer is ending soon...

So yeh,  another day where a extremely talented young person loses their life to drugs or alcohol, or both?
DJ AM was found dead in his appt yesterday, and even though they dont know the cause, you have to think the worst based on his history.

Was he sent over the edge by the recent breakup with his girlfriend?  Post traumatic stress from his plane crash?  Karma, after he blasted the families of the two pilots?  Whatever the reason, he took the easy way out for him, while those that genuinely cared for him now have to clean up the mess.  Very sad.  And being in a similar mental state earlier in my life, cant help but think of the "what ifs"  Its a shame no one picked up on his state, maybe someone could have made a difference.

On to brighter things,  Im on vacation in eastern WA, and the nearby forest fires are creating quite a misty/smokey ambiance over the lake.  The weather is still warm, but the evenings are definitely getting cooler and shorter.  We are making the most of it with plenty of swimming, jetskiing and wakeboarding.

No cell reception, and limited internet access is making it relaxing. ha ha

Not much else to say today, other than what I have said about DJ AM...  Such a waste, and as with the majority of the general population who wonder what it would be like to be rich enough to have everything we desire, how do people get to the stage where they cant see further than the now.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flying delays... Fun fun fun

So yeh. I'm flying Jetblue this evening heading from Boston to Seattle. It was all looking so positive. We were the only flight that was still operating ontime. Little did I know that was all about to change.

For some reason the public aren't allowed to fly while Americas ex presidents and VIPs are in the air on their way to Boston? Wha???

A little back story. All these ex presidents and VIPs are on their way to the Ted Kennedy funeral after he lost his battle to cancer. Best wishes to his family.

Now Americans are brushed aside so that these people can land their precious leerjets and private planes in Boston. (most probably paid for by us, the same people you are now forcing to sit on a plane for almost 2 hours longer than needed)

I can understand the hold for Airforce One and the actual ex and vice presidents, but stopping public commuter travel for Joe Blow rich guy to fly in is a joke.

The airline industry is currently under scruitiny for keeping people on planes for unacceptable amounts of time while on the ground and now this?

Hmmm. Oh well. Can't change it.

I'm looking forward to my vacation :). Lake and golf course here I come.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flying in the US...

if you can call it that sometimes?  Its more like a glorified bus ride.

I say this based entirely on how people act on airplanes these days.  I spend more time in a plane than on the ground it seems, so when did flying become a right as opposed to a priveledge?  Its a tough industry, and for some reason seems to be the only industry that people arent prepared to pay what they should to use.  We have a handful of airlines here in the US that run on very efficient business models, and yet dont make nearly enough profit based on their turnover.  Its crazy, and as an investor Im not sure I would throw my money at it.

People complain constantly about how bad the service is, yet dont want to pay for better service?

The US has it better than anywhere for the perks they get on a plane. full cans of soda, TVs (on the better airlines) and decent snacks. and all for free generally.

You fly in the South Pacific, you get nothing in comparison, and a lot less baggage allowance.  And even less baggage allowance domestically in Europe.  (not to mention a bottle of water for 3 Euros/pounds.  Yeek)

So, next time you think you you are hard done by flying in the US, think of the poor soles paying more, and getting less "across the pond", and "downunder".

Thought of the day...  You can always drive, it makes more room for me on the plane.

Prediction of the day:  Brittany Spears will unfortunately have another meltdown sometime within the next 14 days.

Until tomorrow, chur bro


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So... Im a blogger now? Hmmm

Ok, so this is new, I have a few friends that "blog" and have always wondered what it entailed...  I have read many, and follow a few, so I thought it was about time to let the world read my opinions and thoughts :)

In brief:

Born in the US, Moved to New Zealand via England when I was 6.
Many trips back to the US as I grew up, and ended up going to college here in the US for 4 years before returning to New Zealand ( NZ from here on out) and joining the Royal New Zealand Police.

Married the girl that I "fell in love with at first sight" and left the Police so I would remain married for EVER!

We as a couple have had a few "life trials" that have really pulled us together.

It was a few of these life trials that made us decide to "get out and see the world" so we find ourselves in Boston, MA.  We spent a year and a half in Queens, NY before seeing the light and getting the hell out!

We have the greatest job, and work together :)  (follow this blog and it will become clear what we do)

We love Boston, but are torn three ways between Wellington, NZ, Lynden, MA, and Boston, MA...  such a tough choice right.  We spend a decent amount of time in each place to cope though.

So yeh, enjoy following this.  I will endevor to make you think, so feel free to add you 2 cents :)