Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bugs, Univited guests :) say cheese

I guess with the warm days coming in Boston, more bugs will be coming…  We had a super warm day the other day so I guess they all came out, only to be freeze the next day as we went back to winter weather :(  This has made all think that my living room is a nice place to “hang out” until summer comes back…
Now I dont mind bugs at all. In fact I kind of embrace them, but…  My wife does not.  She has the fly spray out like its air freshener. Ugh…  This little guy here is the main reason why.

He was friendly enough to let me snap some paparazzi pics of him, but was really just way to hyper to be allowed to stay…  I led him out the door and aimed him towards my neighbours, which, just may be a little more hospitable than us :)
Im sure we will see some more during the summer, and I hope they are just as willing to have their picture taken. :)
Have a great weekend.


  1. I'm with Emma on this one.... I call these bugs the "scary bugs"... because they're scary. They like the dark and the dank... I do not. Eww. Love, Lyndi

  2. By the way, although these bugs are disgusting, these are great pictures... (I never thought I would be saying that about those things...)

  3. I have these. What kind of bug is this?
